Complete Property Maintenance Services - Winnipeg Parking Lot, Asphalt and Snow Removal Professionals
Our services are tailored to meet the needs of commercial and industrial clients who require high-quality asphalt and road construction solutions. Whether you need a new parking lot, a protective seal coating, or hauling service, we have the expertise and equipment to handle any project. We work with businesses of all sizes and scopes, from small shops to large corporations.
Mother nature and abrasive salt and sand are hard on our roads and particularly painted symbols or lines. Have our experienced crew clean your parking lot, repaint existing lines or map out and paint new ones.
Unsure if you need a top coat, or complete re-pave? Call now for a free consultation and quote. We can through everything answer your questions directly.
We have a variety of equipment available for all your hauling and equipment needs. From hauling gravel to grading a yard we have the equipment and operators to handle any project.
The Whiteout Group Inc.
2141 Logan Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R2R 0J3
(204) 283-9420
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